Munitions – Weapon Overhaul and Firearm Rebalance
What this mod does
This mod changes the gun system, and general looting of ammunition. Striving for realism and compatibility for Skirmish and Fettle. With realistic ammo, offering different ways to play and to plan what you’d like to compromise, and makes progression in the story help your guns to be more powerful. It also changing general looting of coaches, bodies, and abandoned shacks and other structures to be filled with the new realistic and custom ammo. Lore rebuilt to fit real life, with custom icons, compendium, and more. And the biggest aspect, new weapons to make the firearm world of Red Dead Redemption II diverse.
List of general changes
– Changes every aspect of the vanilla weapons, reload, accuracy, damage falloffs, and more
– Adds new guns, and applies realistic and custom ammunition for all guns
– Redoes the naming for every gun to be accurate towards real life naming
– Also changes misc. guns (rare, gunslinger, and gang weapons) and renames them towards the model and their personalization
– Adds custom models for custom weapons and gives them realistic logos.
– Catalog changes with custom descriptions and accurate brands including Colt, Remington, Springfield, and more.
– The Munitions script adds multiple realism, with 2 new game mechanics, and custom affects on the player when shooting special guns.
– When looting bodies, you will get custom ammo, and custom ammo will be available across the open world
– Custom metal, enhanced gun VFX, and diverse loadouts for gangs, law, and roaming NPCs.
Most Reworked Weapons
– Colt Single Action Army (Cattleman)
– Smith & Wesson Model 3 (Schofield)
– The Henry Rifle (Litchfield)
– Spencer 1865 (Carbine Repeater)
– Krag Rifle (Bolt Action Rifle)
– Carcano M31 ( Carcano Rifle)
– Remington 1867 (Rolling Block Rifle)
– Colt 1878 Hammer (Double Barreled Shotgun)
– Winchester M1897 (Pump Action Shotgun)
A Very Tiny List of Custom Weapons (Not all custom weapons are listed)
– Colt Bisley
– Remington 1875
– New Model 3
– Winchester Centennial
– Mauser 98
– Colt Lightning
– Silenced Rifle
– Silenced Pistol
– Duke M1911 (Merge)
What the Script Does
– Adds a weapon weight system
– Realistic stamina drain when aiming your gun for too long
– Holding f will cause no weapon sway, as the player holds their breath for a short moment
– Henry Repeater will start to get hot as firing more shots, and will burn the player’s hands (gloves will protect you)
– Due to the pressure of the sawed-off shotgun, shooting will cause damage to your hand
Realistic Worn Metals Merge
To install properly, make sure to go to the Realistic Worn Metals mod page, and download the Munitions merge. There are two versions, my metals with the worn metals, and Praiseaidan’s metals with his worn metals. Choose one, not both, and follow the directions
Colt 1911 Merge
To install properly, go to the Colt 1911 mod page, and download the merge, and follow the directions.
Colt Python Merge
To install properly, go the Colt Python mod page, and download the merge, and follow the directions
Flintlock Merge
To install properly, go the Flintlock mod page, and download the merge, and follow the directions
Drag LML and Munitions.asi to your Red Dead Redemption II Directory (Where the RDR2.exe is)
This mod has been made for my other 2 gameplay mods, Skirmish, and Fettle. To use this mod to its full potential, Fettle is needed, while Skirmish is heavily recommended. A vanilla one will be coming out soon for users who would just like gun changes tailored towards vanilla.
Used multiple gun site resources
Hicock45 was good for info on how each gun shot
Wikipedia used a ton for basic information regarding ammunition, and catalog naming
Wikipedia also used for technical info regarding in game description of weapons
One more comment
I make these mods for myself, but this one was for the community and my love for modding. You are open to requesting anything you’d like, but I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to fulfill it or even have the time to notice it. This mod will be my final one, so I hope you enjoy it, and it will continue to be updated.
Sincerely, Wocky
– 12829
– WaitAndRender