Cowgirls Revisioned (final-hotfix)
99% of the women in RDR2 are either housewives or prostitutes. This mod attempts to fix that.
What does it add?
– Armed women (cowgirls) in all the major towns.
– Female riders
– Female campers (wilderness)
– Female wagon drivers
Online Content Unlocker
Lenny’s Mod Loader
There’s two different versions that you can choose:
Default: 20% spawn chance for female riders and big presence in towns
Low Spawn Rate: Fixed 5% spawn chance for female riders, greatly reduced spawn rate in all the major towns and no wagon drivers
Installation: Choose which version you want and drop the folder lml in your game directory.
Since this mod includes RDO assets you’re gonna need version.dll or Online Content Unlocker.
Ambient Gang – Optional version available. Give higher priority to this mod and delete metapeds.ymt from ambient gang, or you may experience bugs.
Scarlet Ladies – Download the optional file and drop it inside your lml folder, then delete metapeds.ymt from this mod.
Hi can i change the numbers my self in file from 20 % to eks 40% so there is more spawns?